Friday, June 8, 2012

Here Goes Nothing!

So here goes.  I'm going to attempt to continue{start rather} blogging and I am hopefully setting myself up to be successful by giving each day a theme, a theme of something I love.  Those who know me, and once you get to know me, you will see I am a huge fan of themes.  A theme is like fuel for my brain, it allows my creative wheels to work and occasionally spiral out of control.  Feel free to read the definition of theme.

Here's the order:

Mexican Monday:  A recipe, not necessarily a Mexican recipe.
Treadmill Tip Tuesday:  A fitness tip, new exercise, muscle group focus.
Wacky Wednesday:  Anything, funny story, rant, random fact, DIY project.
Thirsty Thursday:  Adult beverage mix, kid drink, beverage event.
Photo Friday:  I'm always browsing photos/helpful tips, and I'll share some of my own too.

My weekends will be for recovering and setting myself up for the following week.

I'm super excited to start this, I realistic my life can get out of hand so I will do my best to stay on top of things.  I really just hope that I am able to reach some people with what I share.  I want so badly to have a positive impact on someone's life through words, fitness and photography and if there's other things in my way I must go over them to try something else.  So for you I will blog.


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