Sunday, March 11, 2012

When, not If.

Why is it that when I sit with the laptop in my lap, balanced with one hand and a full cup of coffee balanced in the other, Tucker wants to give me all kinds of loving??  Then when we're driving around from place to place and I turn the radio on to fill the awkward silence, he has something to say, turn it off to hear him, leave it off for a bit, turn it back on, etc. etc.  Is it on purpose, or do kids just not have the common sense? Don't get me wrong, I know I should be cherishing all these moments with Tuck before they are no more, and I do put the computer and coffee down to get the hug and kiss, but...I'm still going to complain about it anyway :)

Anyway, I have this really bad habit of saying "If I...", instead of "When I...", like in the instance with becoming a group fitness instructor, "WHEN I become an instructor, this is what I want to teach..."  I need to change my mindset to IF it's an option, WHEN am I going to do it.  Right?  There's all things feel good quotes about being happy, and centered, and if life was perfect, but that's not always how we behave.  The past few years, I sat around waiting for something to happen when I realized it wasn't going to I had to do something.

"At any given moment you have the power to say: This is NOT how the story is going to end."

(Credit)  See what I mean?  It sounds all fulfilling to the soul, makes you want to drop everything you've been doing, that you probably hate, and do something you love.  And why shouldn't you, everyone deserves happy.   Now here I am waiting to pass a fitness certification or two so I can do what I love and help people be healthy and fit.  When I    helped my friend last week get around the track and showed her some added moves, it was such an adrenaline rush.  That moment told me, I've made the right choice to get into the fitness world, that I can do this, and this IS how my story will end.

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