Thursday, June 14, 2012

Wacky Wednesday: Last Hope K9 Rescue

I know you are all over me wanting a dog, talking about dog, posting pictures of cute dogs, blah, blah, blah.  Well, it just can't happen yet in my life, but it will.  I would like to however pat myself on the back for being so obnoxious about posting pictures on Facebook and getting OTHER people to adopt.  Yup that's right, three adoptions thanks to my annoying posts, and unfortunately that is just encouragement for me to continue.  Sorry.

Let me introduce you to Last Hope K9 Rescue, they rescue dogs from kill shelters.  Kill shelters, seriously?  Who does that?  My heart breaks.  They have these amazingly, cute, well named dogs{and puppies} that need forever homes.  People really need to adopt these dogs instead of breeding or getting a puppy from birth, if you can want a puppy to love, you can love a dog who has NO ONE!

Happy Lame Wacky Wednesday{I'm playing catch up}!

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