Sunday, February 13, 2011


For whatever reason I love going to the grocery store, consider it my time to get out and no one to bother me...unless Matt is there.  Matt doesn't ever to the grocery shopping, and we weren't really grocery shopping per say, we dropped off his truck and I was simply giving him a ride back home when I thought I'd run real quick into the store to get milk and fruit.  What a big mistake, the man was yelling "Mandy" across the store and proceeded to juggle the limes while he walked through the store. Once a long time ago he was twirling a bag of whole bean coffee without the top closed and it split everywhere, then he ran away, leaving me there to look very guilty.  Oh Matt!

Always have a list!  My method for shopping works for me, and you may borrow it, or come up with your own.  I like to come up with a menu for the week, taking into account all the evening activities(like scout night, keep it simple and quick). I write on the bottom of the backside of my list the name of the dinners I am going to make, and on the front the ingredients.  This way, if I forget an ingredient I have the back to reference what I might need.  
Clip coupons!  I never did before and now I cannot live without.  I make a little (c) next to the ingredient if I indeed have a coupon for it, making me feel a little more sane when I go through my coupon book.  I have yet to try any .com coupon sites due to my wonderful mother in law handing me her coupons from her Sunday paper. I will make some effort to check it and discuss at a later time.
Only buy what you need, a list should help you stay focused and not over buy(who can afford to waste money).  For those of you who are busy and/or going to the grocery store is torture, have it deliveredAs mentioned before, I like the grocery store, but I have heard great things about Stop & Shops peapod. If you are timid, make it a small order just to check it out.  There are also all these apps for Smartphones, I am sure there are some helpful ones where you could speak/create your grocery list(I tend to remember something I need at the most random time, and I always have my phone)


Saturday, February 12, 2011


There's something so exciting to me when I share a recipe or a fitness tip that I can't even explain.  I don't know what it is, but I could talk forever about food and exercising.  So, here I sit putting whatever is on my mind, or on my dinner plate, in text to share with whoever is willing to read.  Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into?  I'm not even sure how I'd like this whole process to flow so bare with me and my rambling.

I'll start with the basics I guess.  A stocked kitchen is a happy kitchen.  Here's a few staples I feel you should have in your cabinets, based on the recipes I will most likely be talking about.

Stovetop stuffing~Chicken flavor
Canned black beans(and any other bean)
Whole gain pasta
Marina sauce
Tomato sauce
Bread crumbs
Long grain & wild rice
Brown rice

Extra virgin olive oil
Any/All spices(I will be more specific with each recipe)
Smart balance mayo
Smart balance butter

Ground meat
Chicken breasts
Shredded cheese(Mexican, Mozzarella)
Peanut Butter(try all natural Skippy, it's $2!)
Multigrain/whole wheat bread(find one without hyfructose corn syrup)
Turkey bacon

Now I know I am missing something, but I think you get the idea.

Thanks for reading!